Silmy Abdullah
Author, Lawyer, Public Speaker
My Story
I am an author and lawyer based in Toronto, Canada. I was born in Bangladesh, and lived in Saudi Arabia for twelve years before I immigrated to Canada with my family at the age of fourteen. The diversity of my experiences and my multiple identities as a South Asian Canadian Muslim woman contribute to the richness in my life, complete with fulfillment and challenges. As an author, I write primarily about this hyphenated existence, what it means to have multiple, intersecting identities, and to have a fluid sense of home. Serendipitously, my career as a lawyer has also become centred around serving racialized, immigrant communities, particularly women.

My Work
Check out the stuff I've written, including my debut collection of short stories, "Home of the Floating Lily"
Learn about my consulting work on gender equality, anti-racism and access to justice
Learn about my talks on various topics, including my recent keynote address