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Sahama Equity Consulting Inc.



I am the founder of Sahama Equity Consulting Inc., a consulting company that focuses on systemic reform in the areas of gender equity, anti-racism and access to justice in Canada. I have a particular interest in the intersection of gender-based violence (GBV), racial discrimination, and the law. I work with organizations and institutions in the legal and other related sectors to bring strategic changes to systems and structures with the goal of advancing safety, equality and justice for women and racialized communities. 


My work is informed by my extensive experience in community-based law and social justice advocacy. 


My Professional Background:​


Prior to opening my consulting practice, I was a litigation lawyer at a Toronto-based legal clinic, where I worked on complex immigration and poverty law cases, representing low-income South Asian families, particularly immigrant women facing GBV​​. I have successfully represented clients at various tribunals, including the Social Benefits Tribunal and Immigration and Refugee Board, as well as the Federal Court of Canada. I have also worked with various equality-seeking organizations on a host of important law reform and public legal education initiatives. I have appeared before numerous parliamentary committees as well as spoken at local and international conferences and the media on issues pertaining to GBV and racialized women's equality. In addition, I have delivered many legal education trainings and workshops for victims/survivors and service providers across the GTA at family violence shelters, community organizations, as well as educational institutions. 


With over ten years of experience working on the ground, having seen the barriers and broken systems that prevent racialized communities from achieving equality and accessing justice,  I decided to open my consulting practice in 2021 to focus on my passion for addressing systemic issues. I bring my experience, knowledge and anti-oppressive framework in all of my work in subverting racism and gender inequality that are often deeply embedded in our systems and structures and affect the most vulnerable members of our communities. 


My Educational Background:


Called to the Ontario Bar, 2013

Juris Doctor (JD), University of Ottawa, 2012

Master of Education (MEd) with a focus on critical race and feminist theory, University of Toronto, 2009

Bachelor of Science (BSc) — graduated with distinction, University of Toronto, 2008



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Silmy Abdullah


My Services
  • Research & Writing 

  • Resource Development 

  • ​Workshops and Trainings 

  • Speaking Engagements

  • Project Management

  • Policy Review and Development

Disclaimer: Sahama Equity Consulting does not provide legal advice or representation

Notable Projects

Feasibility study for Muslim women's legal clinic, Canadian Council of Muslim Women, 2023-2024


  • Conducted a research study for CCMW to assess the feasiblity of establishing a legal clinic for Muslim women that would provide culturally safe services, particularly in the areas of family law and gender-based violence.

  • Conducted a community needs assessment in four provinces with the largest Muslim populations to explore some of the system gaps that exist for Muslim women in Canada seeking legal services, how necessary it is to establish a legal clinic specifically for Muslim women, and what the extent of those services could be.

  • Researched existing clinic models across Canada through literature reviews and interviewing leaders in the clinic system to understand the legal and regulatory requirements for establishing a clinic

  • Authored a final feasibility report summarizing the results of the study and proposing recommendations to CCMW to establish a clinic, which led to funding for a pilot clinic at CCMW 

Islamophobia factsheets, Government of Canada, Office of the Special Representative on Combatting Islamophobia, 2024


  • Developed informational factsheets on Islamophobia for employees and service recipients in various sectors, explaining  what Islamophobia is, how it manifests in different contexts, and the internal and legal avenues for reporting

Policy, Programs and Practices Review: Strengthening Supports and Services for  Muslim Women and Girls Facing Gender-based Violence, Canadian Council of Muslim Women, 2022-2023


  • Designed a process for organizations and service providers to review their policies, programs and services and check for their appropriateness and effectiveness in serving Muslim women facing GBV in Canada

  • Authored a 130-page review guide for service providers which incorporates principles of human rights, anti-racism and anti-oppression, a trauma-informed approach and cultural safety

  • Invited several organizations across Canada to participate in the review process

  • Authored a report detailing the results of the review​

​Access the Guide

Access the Final Report


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Procedures Manual, Canadian Council of Muslim Women, 2024


  • Drafted an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and Procedures manual for CCMW staff, board members and service recipients in all provinces and territories in Canada in accordance with provincial human rights, occupational health and safety and accessiblity laws, and the principles of anti-racism and anti-oppression, cultural safety and a trauma-informed approach. 

Research study: Covid-19 and GBV in South Asian communities in Canada, South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario, 2021-2023


  • Participated in a community-based national study conducted by The Council of Agencies Serving South Asians (CASSA) examining the impact of Covid-19 on gender-based violence against South Asian women in Canada and their access to services.

  • Conducted research as a consultant for the South Asian Legal Clinic of Ontario (SALCO), one of the core partners on the project.

  • Co-authored a toolkit reporting the results of the study and recommendations for service providers for improving services for GBV victims and survivors. 


​Read more about the study and access the toolkit here

Other Career Highlights, 2017 - 2021

  • Authored a chapter for the Beijing +25 parallel report by Aura Freedom International for the 64th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women, entitled “Racialized women, immigration and gender-based violence – A Beijing+25 Snapshot." (Read the report here)

  • Provided recommendations to the Immigration and Refugee Board on its gender guidelines on the treatment of gender-based violence in hearings

  • Appeared before the ​Standing Committee on Justice and Human Rights at the House of Commons provide recommendations on Bill C-78, specifically the proposed changes to the Divorce Act regarding family violence

  • Developed online training tool and webinar for service providers on Human Trafficking and the Law​

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